iStock 2011 Pricing Changes

Normally, in January, iStockphoto adjusts its image prices, either by changing per credit prices, or by modifying the credits needed for a certain item/size.  I thought we were going to make it into 2011 without a price change, but apparently they’ve decided to announce one, after yesterday’s hardware upgrade.

Details can be found here:

Here’s some of the changes I’ve been able to find.

Actually, iStock moderator kelvinJay has a nice chart here detailing what has changed across the board.

One thought on iStock 2011 Pricing Changes

  1. I was hoping they would put the site right before they even thought about increasing prices. Unfortunatelynot, even if the price increases are limited mainly to E+ photos and main collection videos.

    The issue of having file stuck as E+ at the higher prices is also annoying.

    The recent habit of annoying contributors and buyers alike continues. Sigh!

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