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Now Licensing On Dreamstime

If you’re interested in licensing my stock photography work, but find yourself locked into one particular agency due to company policy, this may be good news for you.  I am currently adding stock content to my portfolio on Dreamstime:

Portfolio Update: The Hospital Patient Room

I’ve got a fairly successful set of images on Stocksy United that I license, around the theme of “The Clinic Exam Room”.  I’m also licensing a series shot “In the Hospital”.  Both were created in my studio, which is fine, but it always helps to go a step beyond if at all possible and shoot in a “real” and “authentic” location.  Thus my new series: “The Hospital Patient Room”.

Submitting To Dreamstime

As an “independent contributor”, I am constantly looking for opportunities to expand my distribution of stock images.  This week, I’ve decided to take a look at Dreamstime, and I found that while support is helpful, the uploading process is quite painful.  So, I’ve written a greasemonkey script to help the process along.

iStock Leaves Small Buyers Behind

With their recent changes, iStockphoto has essentially left smaller buyers (the occasional buyer, small businesses, churches, students, etc.) in the dust.  Read more on this “strategy” here: .  The buyers aren’t being quiet about their discontent.

While iStockphoto Is Unavailable …

iStockphoto is currently having downtime and is unavailable because they’re putting into place their new pricing/credit/purchase scheme.  At the time of this writing, I believe it’s been down about 9 hours so far.  If you’re needing an alternative for licensing royalty free stock photos, may I offer some alternatives?

Making A Spooky Halloween Front Door

Autumn is almost here,  and that means it’s almost time to disguise your children and send them out into the streets foraging for chocolates and sweets.  Of course, Halloween is coming!  Today, I’m going to show how to put together a spooky front door for the Trick-Or-Treaters for a few bucks.  You can license an image of the door at for your design or advertising needs.

iStockphoto Change Illustration

Every now and then, I like to take a break from image work and do a little scripting.  I see a lot of buyer and contributor confusion over all the changes coming to iStockphoto, so I put together this calculator in javascript.

iStockphoto Doing The Shuffle Again

iStockphoto made an announcement to contributors today, and it’s sure to make some buyers happy, some buyers angry, most, if not all, contributors angry, and pretty much everyone confused.  You can read the announcement here:

Now Licensing At

There’s a cool new web based design tool on the block, and it’s called Canva!  This Australia based website gives beginning through advanced designers a way to design online without using complex desktop tools, combining stock photography and other elements to come up with an end product without going overboard on cost.

Portfolio Update: Youth Boys And Girls Baseball Team

Summer is winding down, and the eyes in the sports world are not on professional teams or players, but the Little League World Series, along with its star female pitcher.  Coincidentally, I’m featuring a new image series, which is exclusively on Stocksy United featuring a youth baseball team.

This image is protected by copyright law. Please contact me for licensing information. Thanks!